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All Orders Shipped Overnight Until Christmas!

All orders will be ugraded to UPS Overnight for the price of standard delivery now through 12/25/25!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out about sales or promotions?

  • You can sign up for the USTA Email list to receive the latest.

How do I do a return for an item that was received damaged?

The item I ordered is not the right size, can I do an exchange?

  • Yes, please visit our returns page for complete instructions

Is it possible to have my item embroidered or customized?

  • No. Currently we do not have customization options available online

My order was wrong, what do I need to do from here?

What forms of payment do you accept?

  • We accept all major credit cards and Paypal.

Is it possible to return an item that was placed online at the local store?

  • No. Our physical stores are only open during the US Open Event period and accessible by ticketed fans.

I am having a Charitable event, would the US Open sponsor it or provide us with a donation?

I would like to find out more about tickets and schedules, where can I find that information?

What if my item is out of stock online?

  • Most items are specific to the year of the event and will not be reordered. Similar items may be ordered the next year and are usually added to the website in July through September.

60 Day Returns

Happiness Guaranteed! 60 day returns for any reason.
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Customer Service

Questions or Concerns. Reach out to our customer service team.